From the list of all the things for me to do...I've done....well, may be 30% of it.
And it's 6 days left to complete( the wedding will be on 23Aug, but we're going back a day before, so have to finish a day before that...pheww).
All of u must have been wondering...what am I doing here....while there are still tons of work to be completed...
Well...i need some entertainment too right, besides, i am trying to loosen up my joints after hours in the kitchen (wished I took up yoga- they claimed that it can really loosen up joints :)).
The most challenging part is of course decorating the cookies. I am using royal icing.
To make the challenge even harder, I have to decorate, while Laiqa is around me all the time-her reason- adik nak tolong mama je ni (i just want to help u). She isn't just standing/sitting there, she'll come and hug me from behind (while I was trying to get a smooth intricate line on the cookies), or come clinging at my hand (while I was squeezing the icing to get the right pressure).
And Umar entering the kitchen every 5 minutes to have a peek, only to be chased back out by the irritated mum :).
The cookies have to be completed in a few steps and a few days. The first day-baking. Second- iced the whole cookies, have to left to dry a few hours/overnight. Third- deco with lines/ any detailing and left to dry back again.
So, after finished decorating about 50 pieces of cookies, I left them to dry. I am using the guest bedroom-since there r no guest, and it's not a place where the kids would most probably walk-by.
While I was somewhere else, Umar and the sister, Laiqa went and have a peek in the room. They must have stand very near the edge, as later adik felt onto the's not happening... each one of it is like soo precious...... :((
Anyway, let bygone be bygone...I'm baking more today. I guessed to get 150 pieces of cookies...I have to bake 200 minimum (or may be more), to exclude all those incidents.
To make things worst, they kept asking to have a bite...and of course, mummy have to let the kids eat right....and there goes another few pieces.....
Okay...Off I go.... :P
hahaha cookies tuh cute sangat2 so that anak2 drno pon tempted nk rasa...kalo cik bawang pon mau curik2 patahkan kelopak die..cuteee~~ suke yg purple tuh...
If I were there..I'll join your kids..ha ha!
cookies berbintang2 tu utk goodies kenduri ke.. atau utk hantaran..
nak saya tolong ker???
cikbawang- nasib baik cik bawang xde sin, kalau x, jenuh la kena buat byk2 lg, nk ganti...:))
hliza- amboi ada hati nk join jugak ye..
flush- bukan utk hantaran. ini utk ltk flm paperbag, bg kat suma tetamu yg dtg reception yg kat hotel 25 nanti. dlm 150 org je. kenduri kat rmh 23aug.
n cookies tu bukan bentuk bintang ye- bentuk bunga daisy...:):)
13may- nak tolong ke...boleh..kita kasik upah mkn..
tp kena interview dulu...pandai jaga budak x? nk upah jaga budak ganas dua org ni je
wuishhh... serius sgt cun! nak jemput diri sendiri pegi wedding reception tu boleh tak? =P
p/s: DrNo, mehla sini sy tolong babysitkan umar dgn laiqa kejap..hehe..
isleasy- jom ah pg, kt kelantan. if nk, i can reserve place for u :)
wah bz betul drNo...keep it up!!..
P/S:my house kat Bukit Mahkota near Nilai 3....on the KL-Seremban highway boleh nmpk...
Cepat betul Laiqa & Umar membesar eh?
psstt... Noi, biskut hantar sini jugak le :)
ezura- thanks
boogie- pakchik...awak yg dah lama x tgk diorg :)
nanti kita hantar cookies...if ada rezeki
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