And I am so bored. I have been bloghopping...to cheer things up, but not many updated their blogs during weekends.
And I am not in the mood to write anything as well...
Anyway, here's the photo of my two sweethearts..

She hates anything to do with boys clothing. The first time we showed her this jersey, she quickly grab it and hid it under the desk.
Anyway today she agrees to wear just during the 'photo session'.
She is just so 'girly'.
Last time, her 'tok ayah' (my father-in-law), bought her a superman suit complete with cape...she cried and threw it away.
Bought her something pink..she will definitely love it.

Ala..lady likenya anak dara sorang ni. Mesti macam mak dia, he he..
hehehe..comelnya bebudak ni..nak picit2 je pp depa =)
Hliza- the mama very unladylike..dah kawin ni baru nk kuar aura2 feminin...
inah- :)
Laiqa cute sangat... I pun suka tengok anak2 kecik pakai baju-T besar2.. Cute, kan?
eheh...pokcik tu dia dok d dubai ko?
Macam mana tu dia boleh beli emirates tu....
kerja emirates ka?
ANYONE i know?
CatCat- ye la Cat..cute budak2 pakai baju besar.
Idham- the 'Pok chik' adik my AB x dok di Dubai.
baju tu x authentic..dia beli somewhere here :)
Dr....hubby oghe kelantan dari kg mana?
hmmm.. arsenal.
last pic tu, laiqa tgh buat apa..
btw, apa makna laiqa?
idham- mr AB oghe wakaf lichong, pasir puteh... kenai ka? :):)
flush- Arsenal la..apa lagi papa diorg ni...
last pic..LAiqa tu...kita suruh pusing tgk kamera, dia pusing tgk dinding...
maksud Laiqa Najma- intelligent(competent) star
Daddy converting the kids to gunners fan's ka... I think I should send a Kop's Jersey
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