Suddenly, ta..da... I found this blog with an incredible rainbow picture..... I was mesmerized...captured by how beautiful it was created... melodramatic...and sooooo not me...
Anyway, what the heck is i'm talking about....????
Well, it's not about rainbow, rainbow, but it's 'rainbow pudding' (puding pelangi). And the blog of course... Jun's.
Her rainbow pudding looks sooo beautiful and nice, and i felt like making one.
So, gather all the gears and ingredients...and I'm off to the new challenge in my cooking journal...creating a rainbow pudding....
:D :D :D My rainbow pudding did not look anything like a rainbow at all....
A bit shame to put up the picture here...but anyway...I think mine is still beautiful (in it's own class). it is....
Cool isn't it...ahhahhahhahha
You can laugh all u have...
And by the way Jun- I have to change the name to
-Puding Celorang Celoreng....
p/s- i shud have made it in black, dark green and green- that will definitely resembles the army...
or better still- I shud have not made it....muahhahhhahhha
Anyone who would like to make this pudding...pls refer here ----> Puding Pelangi (to get the real picture)
Dr No...I still say..."Cantik dan nampak sedap jer ur pelangi Doc!"
okay la kan...cantik jugak kan...huhuhuuh (sedapkan hati je)
i didn't do justice to the recipe...
Cantik apa... Not rainbow but pastel pudding... My favourite group of colors.
alaaaa...dah telan air liur byk kali dah tgk puding ni..sis..pos sikit kat sini..hehe
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