So, this time I tried the one from Diba's fotopage.
It looks good...spongy enough, soft,and just enough dense for a good chocolate cake.
The only thing that I would change next time is the amount of cocoa powder. I'll used 3/4cup...(sorry to the's good, only I would prefer less cocoa to lessen the bitterness.)
And if add chocolate fudge'll sure be great....yummy.......
Here's the recipe...(diba...I just copy and paste...hope u don't mind :):))
Bahan A
1 cawan serbuk koko
1 cawan gula pasir
1 cawan susu cair
1 cawan minyak masak (vegetable oil)
1/2 cawan susu pekat
Bahan B
1 1/4 cawan tepung gandum
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
1 sudu teh baking powder
(ayak bersama)
1 sudu teh esen vanila
3 biji telur
1.Masak dan cairkan bahan A atas api yang kecil hingga sebati.
2.Sementara masak bahan A,pukul telur hingga kembang.
3.Campur bahan A yang telah masak tadi ke dalam telur yang sudah kembang berserta esen vanila,pukul hingga sebati.
4.Akhir sekali masuk bahan B yang telah diayak bersama-sama,kacau hingga sebati.
5.Masukan ke dalam baking tray dan kukus sekurang-kurangnya 1 jam.(penutup kukus hendaklah di balut dengan kain bersih)
So, to kakak- u can try this steam cake recipe, it's not too sweet and that's what make it great (most cakes are too sweet). But, pls note..this is not a moist chocolate cake.
p/s- if anyone need the recipe in English, lemme know...i'll give u the translated version.
drNo, your kek coklat kukus looks really good. I hardly make anything coklat because hubby pening kepala after eating it :)May I have a slice ?
patut la anak2 dr tembam2 belaka.. cukup coklat2 nye.. hehe..
Your steamed coklat kek nampak cam bake in the oven... Sebijik macam bakar instead of kukus.. Tentu sedap...
why i always missing the good cake..
Tq sbb sudi try..sedap lagi senang kann??hehe.. I sampai hafal resipi ni.ekekeeee... Yup, rasa dia agak pahit sket.. Try la wat experimen tu yer.. Nak tau jugak mcmane rupe/rasa (err...dapat rasa ke :P jejauh ni)
Butttercream tu dah try?? ;-)
Icook4fun- ke...sian ur hubby...i mmg hantu coklat. want some?? boleh....
flush- bukan setakat tembam, dua2 dah jadi kaler coklat hahahhaha...
cat cat- yup...texture dia mmg best
ab- sapa suruh u always away from home.... so kurangkan outstation...or get a new job....hehehhhe
diba- a'ah..senang betul recipe ni, sekejap je bancuh, sbb x pyh pukul butter+gula sampai kembang mcm kek2 lain tu.
n x la expect texture dia jadi mcm tu.
amount gula dia pun just nice, selalu kek2 lain, saya kurangkan gula sbb manis sgt, yg ni dah ok.
next time buat nk kurangkan koko skt. x pun nk try guna cooking coklat.
buttercream blum try-raya nanti baru nk buat...posa2 x rasa nk mkn kek berkrim
anyway...thanks a lot
Maksu, TQ, nanti kakak try, surely sedaapp!! nmpk pun sedapp.... ;)
orait kakak...raya buatkan utk mak su lak. try la kurangkan koko... a bit bitter.
nanti msu nk try guna cooking choc la...baru rich skt kot rasa dia...
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