It's tagging time....again...for me...
Hehhehhe....nevermind..pour them in...I'll answer them all...yeah...:):)
This time, the lovely
Pat tagged me... thanks dear :D ;P
Here is the tag :- Ten Questions
These are the rules :-Five answers to each question and then tagged five others.
Instructions :- Remove the first Blog and add your own blog last.
Wishing On A Falling Star;
cat cat;
Asiana Pat;
drNOHere it goes.....
Q1. What were you doing 10 Years ago?
1-Struggling in my 2nd year in medical college.
2-Went to the cinema almost everyweek...(sort of therapy to me. But that therapy have stopped since I have kids....:( )
3-Cooked almost everything using only a rice cooker in the hostel (cooking is prohibited-but i did cook fried rice, chips and even tom yum using the rice funny though, thinking about's easier to just buy ur food, but, cooking them is the challenge. The best part is, if there's a 'spot check' by the warden, we hid the 'rice cooker' in the janitor's closet next to the toilet..:D)
4- studying
5- studying
Q2. What were you doing 1 Year ago?
1- Travel back and forth to visit my mother-in-law.
2- My mum-in-law passed away last Ramadhan.... (a few days before Eid)
3- moved house
4- cooking
5- start this blog
Q3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
Q4. What are 5 songs you know the lyrics to?

1- Bob The Builder
2- Wonder Pets
3- I love u, u love me (from Barney)
4- Twinkle, twinkle Little Star
(wow...motherhood really have taken its toll on me... Hmmm, I must know at least one song that have nothing to do with cartoon character...think...think....)
5-........ (huahhhh...can't think of any at the moment...there must be one.....let me leave this blank, until I can think of something...hehhehe)
( last...I know the whole 'Negaraku' song....:D)
Q5. 5 things you would do if you are a Millionaire?
1- Invest in business
2- Save for the kids future
3- Buy a small house in a nice, quiet place (Ipoh is just nice-not too crowded, but complete with all the facilities) -and complete it with the trendiest kitchen
4- Umrah n Hajj
5- Donate to the less fortunate
Q6. 5 Bad habits?
1- Proscrastinate
2- I always make a 'list of things to buy', but always forget to bring them to the shop
3- Hypersensitive
4- I think I'm lazy :)
5- Disorganize
Q7. 5 things you like to do?
1- bloghopping...I love bloghopping more than updating my own blog
2- baking
3- trying out new recipes
4- traveling- it always nice to see other people's places
5- relaxing....
Q8. 5 Favourite Toys?

1- my iBook
2- my Finepix
3- my kitchen
4- Laiqa
5- Umar
Q9. 5 things you would never wear?
1- white jeans
2- red jeans
3- orange jeans
4- polka dots
5- tight-fitting clothes
Q10. 5 things you hate to do?
1- ironing
2- mopping the floor
3- going out for 'lepak2'
4- anything that requires me to be away from the kids
5- (hmmm...can't think of any...)
I'm not tagging anyone....but you are most welcome to answer this....
mama scolded her
(lepas kena marah)
after being scolded
(tengah merajuk ni...)
happy again-playing with abang