But I have to limit the orders.
Cookies that are available:
1. Biskut Sarang Semut
2. Plain Butter Cookies
3. Pineapple Tarts
4. Cornflakes Crunchies

5. Happy Choconut Cookies
- Ground hazelnut mixed with coconut and high-quality imported cocoa powder, sprinkled with chocolate rice

6. My Heart Cookies
- strawberry flavoured with almonds nibs(chopped almonds), topped with red fondant heart

7. Butter Cookies
- a miniature of ‘daisy cookies’ that I made previously
- sugar cookies with royal icing frosting

8. Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies
- Chocolate chips with chopped walnut

• All cookies are packed in a plastic containers.
• Using only high-quality real butter and higi-quality ingredients
• Orders can be made by emailing me at itsmeokay@gmail.com
• Leave your type of cookies, amount, contact details ie. Name, address, contact no.
• Mode of payment – bank-in Maybank account (I’ll give you the details after I’ve confirmed order)
p/s- to those who have ordereds...thanks-work in progress...:):P
waduh waduh...sedap nampak cookies akak nie...kalau lah pat pun pandai buat cookies camtu,fuh! cookies pat selalu keras jerr..and tak menarik :P tawar pulak tu!
drNo, banykanya you buat. Too bad I jauh sangat kalau tidak I pun nak order jugak :) :)
pat- boleh pat buat... carik recipe yg gerenti jadi...mesti sedap...
tp kena byk trial and error la...:)
Icook4fun- malu la nk amik ur oder...hihhiihih...ur dishes lagi la nmpk sgt2 sedap....
ah cantiknya kuih.
sayang nak makan lah
alamak,dah beli pun,next time k :)
wawa- kuih mesti dimakan...
goboklama- ni bukan full-blast nye bisnes...sesajer...:)
wah drNO...!!! sempat jer u buat bisnes ek...!!!congratsss!!
ur cookies are georgeous!!
ala kalu nmpk iklan ni awal i wud tempah dah.. temptation.
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