I'm here surfing the net..as usual..like nothing else matters, while actually I have tonnes of things to do, which I ignored, bcos being here in front of my laptop, is far better than being there..mopping the floor...hahahah...
Munif is taking his afternoon nap. Umar is watching 'ultraman tiga' and Laiqa is pushing her baby doll around the house on the baby's stroller (which her dad bought for her after much persuasion from her, she even collected money that her dad left on the dressing table to buy that).
Then, I heard Umar called Laiqa to come and play ultraman with him...
Umar: laiqa, let's play ultraman
Laiqa: ok
Umar: You are the 'ultraman tiga' ok. And i'll be 'ultraman dyna'. Mummy's cushions are the monster.
Laiqa: ok
Umar: punch the cushions, kick it , until the 'raksasa' dies.
Umar: ok, now your light are blinking...u hv less energy...time to change color... say this 'bertukar'(change) n u'll turn blue.
Laiqa: No, i want to turn pink.
Umar: Cannot, no pink ultraman.
Laiqa: I don't care...I want to be pink...
Umar: Laiqa...this is not a Pink Panther Show....it's ultraman...
Laiqa: don't want...
then, suddenly...debishhh....
Laiqa: Mummy......abang hit me...
Mummy: Umar.........
Umar: No, mummy...she doesn't listen to me. Please tell her there's no pink ultraman!!!
And that's in a day of a mom....:):):)
Just have a look at her choice of what to wear...and you expect her to change to blue????

Ha ha..pink ultraman? Umar must be wishing hard that baby Munif grow up fast to play with him.
Tak tau pulak ultraman ada banyak jenis. Thanks to Munif and Laiqa for the info.Anyway, ultraman being an ultraman....mula-mula kalah , dah nak last baru ada power dan menang.
HLiza- mmg pun... dia claim dpt munif tu sbb dia doa sgt nk adik boy...
n skang sibuk bila la munif nk besar...dh x nk kwn laiqa..:)
Azian- ada punyalah byk jenis ultraman, as if suma jenih org kt jepun tu blh jd ultraman, dari pakcik jaga kambing, org keje stesen minyak, etc, etc...
ask me...ahhah..ni la gara2 dok melayan anak tgk tv.
I've said to him the same thing...mesti la nk kalah dulu...sgt la x terer ultraman itewww....
hahahahahaha...i jes cant stop laughing reading their conversation...so darn cute+funny....ultraman fefel ada tak?!
I am SOOOO out of touch!
Kalau dah a girl memang pink lah , anak akak pun sama sampai akak kata masuk taewando dapat pink belt , kelakar betul.
Thanks for stopping by.
You perfectly captured a moment in the life of us moms!
wonder sangat.. nape lah girls ni suka sangat pink.. just like both of my daughter..
pengaruh tv kot.. girls and pink are so synonym ;)
finally u dah balik to this cyberworld....welcome back doc
kelakar baca topic nie
pink ultraman hehe
P/S: hope u remember my initial
tulip purple- yup..they can be very funny...
ultraman purple...mmm x check la ada ke x...hehheh
lee- :)
silversarina- tu lah kan... laiqa ni mmg suka sgt pink.
lilaphase- thanks to you too... :)
neeza- hmm...pengaruh tv a possibilities... girls have a softer heart i guess, so they prefer a softer shades..
M- thanks M.
yup, surely remembers you. :):):)
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