Raya was marvellous...as usual... No 'happenings', no saucy gossips....just the usual...

We celebrated first 'raya' in Perak...my 'kampung'...this year. Last Syawal, we've spent a week in Kelantan. Not because my 'ever dearest' AB have loong holiday...It was because my MIL passed away a few days before 'Raya' and we were there for the funeral and for 7 days of 'tahlil'.
This year we celebrated in Lenggong. Yup...Lenggong is a very small town (a 'cowboy' town to be exact) in Perak.
This year first Syawal...all my brothers were there. This was the first time all of us were there since...10-20 years. Before this there must be one of us who celebrated first raya at their in-law's. We did take family pictures (which were taken using my eldest bro (Long's) very 'canggih', brand new SLR camera- he is very into photography). He haven't email me those pics. I might post them here once I get them from him. (p/s- kakak, pls remind abah to email me those photos).
Some were taken using my Ngah's O2 (who are in US since 2nd raya and I doubt he will ever email me those photos). A few using my Chik's digicam.
And not forgetting, a few numbers of pictures taken by my Mr. AB using his new 'raya' toy- which he had wanted to buy for quite sometimes, only to be delayed by his lovely wife (that would be ME), because I still doesn't think that he need that PDA phone. Anyway I'm glad he bought them...because I am sooo...happy seing him being so 'jakun' and everything with that 'toy'. He even slept with it the first week he bought that PDA. ehhheheh (actually, he already owned a PDA, which had been broken by his most beloved wife (which is ME)- I sat on it, and broke the screen). Thanks darling for not being angry with me...
And may be I would download the photos from his PDA later, since he's busy watching football at the moment.
We had plenty of food. One of my SIL brought lots of home-cooked food which she had prepared from KL, including her delicious 'chicken sambal', ketupat, chicken rendang, etc. The other SIL prepared 'kuah kacang'. Another SIL cooked 'nasi hujan panas' with 'ayam masak merah'. And my mum prepared 'lemang' and rendang.
We spent the day eating, eating, eating and eating. Oh yes...we also visited our uncles and aunties houses.

The night- I went to a small gathering of my ex-schoolmates, which was held in Tasek Raban Resort. I brought some cupcakes. My hubby tagged along (actually, I forced him to tag along...hehhe). I left Umar with 'atuk'. Not many turn up. Anyway it was great.
I went back around 11pm, only to see Umar waiting at the door, hands on his hips. As I stepped out of the car, he started with his 'motherly' speech...'why you go out until late at night? You should come back earlier. bla bla bla....' (and now, he had taken over the job as a mom...). Talking about freedom....my free days had long gone.... I can't even go out late at night...if it's not the hubby...then it's the son who started nagging at me......
To those who attended the gathering (I know some of you have been the silent reader of my blog)...it was really nice meeting you guys...
Asmeda, Lynda and Nozie...time really flies...
x sempat habiskan gosip2 terkini...we shud meet up again...
To the seniors...which I only knew from the 'cyber' world all this time, (and thru phone calls and sms)...all of you have been great sport... and very friendly....thanks...
AND TO ALL OF YOU......have a great raya... don't stuff yourself tooo much with all the lemang, rendang, etc..... If you do...don't complain if your pants size increase a few inches...it's your own fault...:):):) (and don't blame your 'baju', - the 'kain' did not shrink...okay!!!)