Yes it is...
I guess it is very true..
If during the old time...people eat their own produce...they go fishing for their lunch...the pluck the vegetables from the back garden...its differs now..
We don't do that anymore. No more vegetables gardens, fishing is just for fun..
We buy food ready made from stalls (which God know how it is prepared)...
We buy vege, dairy products, etc from the hypermarket, which is produce in bulk...and God know what kind of chemical they put in the soil or injected or in the cow's food..
Plus the ever worsening pollution, that can break up the nutrition cycle...what could be worse??
And did you know that pollution per se can increase your cells oxidation? Which if excessive in certain cells..it will become cancerous...
We can't do much about the pollution...we can always recycle...do our best to beat/prevent the pollution, etc.
But food wise...is it possible to grow our own vegetables...
Nope..everyone is living a rat race...

The best alternatives is organic food...
But WOW...just look how much organic vegetables cost you? Is that within our population budget? No... Did you notice that organic chicken eggs...it cost twice as much from the non-organic eggs...
Isn't it true that to be healthy is very costly...
Lets look at our other alternatives....
All those poorly-prepared food, inorganic fresh produce, the pollution, etc do extreme harm to our body. How to counter act this so called 'oxidation' process in our body?
Thank god there are forms of anti-oxidant.
There are nutritional supplement.
I have a dietition friend...she would always promote- No to nutritional supplement...eat a balance diet...follow the food pyramid...
Is that possible? I'm sure there are some of us that eat according to the food pyramid. I bet only 5% can achieve that.
How about the rest of us? Did you remember to eat 6-8 servings of vegetables a day every day? Have you cut down your fat intake? How about fiber, which is equally important?
And this goes back to supplement? Do we really need them?
Yes it seems we do.
But there are hundreds of brand to choose from? How to pick the best?
I read, and I read. I read books, journal, etc, just to select the best. I won't go into details about that.
Anyway...to beat 'oxidation' with supplement is costly too. A month supply of complete supplement can cost hundreds. Is that within our population budget. I guess a no to that too.
Another important thing to be healthy is EXERCISE. People tend to neglect this. Including me :). Some time, we don't even have time to exercise. (I save about this next time).

So..what do you think... Is It Expensive To Be Healthy?
Untuk saya, kena seimbang diet & senaman.
Kalau makan mahal, pergi bersenam.
Kalau bersenam mahal, puasa :).
Jaga kesihatan yo. Umur semakin meningkat yo. :P
betul2...cik bawang pon tgh blaja topik nih...cube lah tgk movie the corporation...very informative...jom joging...yihaaaa~!!!
hehehe..jom pegi gym..antara kehendak dan keperluan =)
funny cartoons esp the last one! haha..
i used to visit gym but with study load now, i can't afford to anymore.
i wanted to eat right but u know. to cook properly on weekdays.. its exhausting and time consuming.
so i think ur rite.. it's 'expensive', but gotta do it. huhuhuu..
yup... totally agree with u..
what an ugly truth about life....
i can relate to the last cartoon tu....i fact i think I am that last cartoon..hehehehe...
i talk myself into believing i am healthy!
adushh....i think the weighing machine tu dah buat ragam....bulan puasa dulu dah turun 8 kg...now tetiba jer ...dah balek ke berat yg dulu2....changing weighing machine is too expensive...
so, my true wieght, i will minus jer la abt 8kg from the meter! hehehe
kecil dulu taman umi la, tanam kacang panjang la tanam sawi la tanam brinjal la, buat batas, buat paris, taburkan baja etc etc and get a nice sun tan...
sekarang duduk apartment but still not getting fairer hahaha
Good food can is we take the time and effort for it, good exercise can if we make the time for it tak payah go fitness 1st
betul tu...memang mahal nak sihat...nak beli supplement lagi..nak beli water filter apa semua nya mahal...hehe
oh boy! all this while my scale has been telling lies about my weight...damn that scale! i'm gonna murder it in a moment...(sori off topic sket..hehe)
it is now if we turn to what 'market' offer..tp kan, we still can control it at home..x perlu mahal2...lagi satu tahap cleanliness kat luar tu susah nk sure..jun experienced, byk kali jumpe lipas kat dlm lauk, nasi..even in a famous fast food drink! kalu sue, dah kaya..ekekeke..
I am trying hard to eat healthily now..sebelum ni main bantai jer 3 kali sehari makan nasi!
Is it costly? I did spend quite so much money to kick off my momentum and to loose some degil fat from my body so that I get motivated; now I am motivated - so far lah ;) I am learning and conscious the amount of calories that I put into my mouth...it's hard at first but now dah dekat 3 bulan, I am quite used to it..
YES! It takes lots of discipline!!!! HeLP!!! memang susah kalau tak ada determination! we are easily distracted too!
mahal atau murah bukan soalnya yang penting nak ke tak nak? and mesti ada knowledge baru lah kita tak silap buat pilihan (baik murah/mahal)
I guess exercise sekarang mesti sebab mostly kerja moden sekarang ni tak banyak bergerak...tapi itulah main problemnya!
i suppose when the damage is done, it is expensive to be healthy. nak kena beli threadmill, nak beli herbalife.. hahah!
on a serious tone now, we have a family doctor back in malaysia who happens to be a good family friend. he always say, eat like a poor man. bubur, ubi, sayur steam etc.
and my parents always tell me, whatever it is, everything must be in moderation.
we're eating organic since aidan started his solids. he eats full organic. we, try to eat organic eggs, fruits, vege, bread. but sometimes teringin nak makan kebab, where got organic kan? organic is affordable here, alhamdulillah. but yes, i do agree with you, how to plant your own vege when you dont even get to see your garden in daylight. living in kl is a ratrace, i do agree. i sometimes wish how is it possible to make things, good things affordable in malaysia. i suppose one can help by reducing oil and not to eat lavishly, try cooking at home more often so that you know what you put in your food!
I know that somethings got to give, and yes it is very expensive to eat right and healthy. To exercise nowdays with all the pressures seems out of it. lol
How have u been Dr No? WELL SAID.
eh..mana pergi tuan rumah nie...hehehe....sunyi dan sepi....heloooowwwwww.....assalamulaikum......ada ka tu???
nice entry :)
on behalf of drno,
for some reasons she cant access the internet for a while.
she will cont blogging once she can access the internet again..
drno ab
Laa padanla menyepi tanpa berita..I've damaged my phone and lost your number..nak tanya khabar pun tak dapat. Do come back!
This is a wonderful site and your children are beautiful. My wife tries very hard to feed us along your guidelines, although I have a hard time when I'm out on an airline trip.
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