I am Munif Aydin. I am 6 months and 10days old.

Everyday is always a brand new day for me, with a brand new things to do, and a brand new stuff to be discovered.
It's just get more exciting each day, with all my newly acquired skills that sometimes ran mama up the wall. It's funny though, I always wonder why mama always looks so worried sometimes when I achieved a new skill, shouldn't she be happy for me. Like the time I try to use her handphone.

She always use her cellphone, and it looks like she's enjoying it, I should give it a try. It's a bit difficult to sit straight and use it, so I just chew it. It doesn't taste that good, hmm.. wonder why mama loves being on the phone. After that day, she always place her phone out of my reach.

Mama loves to read too. She always read while tucking me to bed. I did try to have a go at what she did.

This is as far as I get, only to page 6, then mama saw me, and she screamed and put her magazine away.

It's not that good as well. Taste so bland, it did get stuck in my throat too. I coughed it out, but I think some did manage to get digested. No worries, I am okay. Mama did worry anyway, until papa reassured here that I'll be okay, which I did.
Kakak (Laiqa) is so hardworking. She is either reading or writing all the time. I did try my hands in writing. but kakak would be mad at me, and tell mama about me.

I think she is being jealous, afraid that I'll be smarter than her.
The best thing that I did today is......FACE PAINTING!
I have planned in trying this new art since 2 weeks ago, but it's so difficult to get the paint when I am under mama's supervision. Today, papa babysits me, which make it so easy peasy for me to grab kakak's color pencil and start doing some graphic designs on my face. Initially, I wanted to do a clown face (like the indie group- meet uncle hussein, when they performed during the AJL (I watched it with mama the other day)), but I only found a blue color pencil, so, that would do.

Do you want to have a closer look??

That's all for today. I'm sure to share with you a lot more things that I will learn.
So people....beware.....