Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How's your driving?

Mr AB sent me an SMS this morning, while he was in the office. The SMS goes like this "How's your driving?" (actually, it's a lot longer, drive carefully, bla, bla, bla, and all the luv u, miss u thingy...hahhahhahhah).
Huh? What? My driving? Well, let me answer it honestly... I am a reckless driver. I zig-zagging through the traffic. I manage to get Umar to school in less than 10minutes. Laiqa and Munif are well-buckled in their seats. They won't tumble around. I am not the 'aunty' who drive at the far left of the road at 20km/h. Oooo..how I wished I could get my hands behind the wheels of that mini cooper. (dream on babe, dream on)
But, I am so lazy to drive. So, AB, if you are free, can you take over sometimes.
And if i get any lazier, we just get him to go by bus. hehhehe... too much of a soccer mum, huh.??

Anyway, I am always pissed off with the 'public' opinion about lady-driver. I think men drive far worst. And they could escape without any juridical.
They could park anyway, anywhere, anyhow, and people just didn't complain. Unless, their car is obstructing the traffic. But if a lady park her car a bit diverted from it's parking lot, they will say...'hmm..lady driver'..
If men drive very slow, everyone, just go pass thru, or may be one or two would give some minor remarks. But if it's a lady, they will say...'lady driver..that's why it's like that'.
If men drive, then make a sudden turn without giving the signal first, it's ok..may be some will swear (if he driving behind that car), but if it's a lady, they will say...'lady driver...'.

People are so prejudice...especially men, when it's concerning that the opposite sex are capable of doing things better than them. Hahaha


noniey said...

100% agree with that statements... but what can we do to change their mind? :( coz they think that they're alwayz right... huhuhu

HLiza said...

Recently when we had meeting in KL..my colleagues started labelling me "Ipoh driver!"..which I think is worse than 'woman driver'. But they had not seen me speeding at 160km/h constantly on the highway!

Neeza Shahril said...

that's why takde female driver di saudi ni..
tapi rasanya kalaulah ada kan.. lebih kurang accident kot sebab diorang mesti bawak slow sebab nak tengok muka the female driver hahaha!!!

eiyda said...

hahaha..drNo eiyda pun tak suka drive slow2..kt dubai ni kalo drive gitu alamak kena buli asyik kena hon la..skrg ni susah nak dpt driving license kt sini..nasib baik 4 thn lps eiyda sempat amik lesen..;)

drNO said...

noniey- itu la pasal kan. how hard we fight for it, men always think they r right...

HLiza- whoaa..ipoh driver??..no u don't. yup, that is much worst. they make sudden turn, they come out in front of u out of nowhere, they can drive at 20km/h in the middle of the road and we have to patiently drive behind them, they can drive thru the red light bcoz red means go to them,and many more.
no, i don't think u r one of them...hahhahah

drNO said...

neeza- hahhah..nak tgk muka, sah2 eksiden. how r u babe? recovering well?

eiyda- so, amacam driving in dubai? mcm kt sini x?

TrueMom said...

:-) stay-at-home who always on-the-road.., thats funny...

ask permission to link "lady...(driver?).." :-)


aNIe said...

Hi Dr.No...betul tu akak geram betul kalau orang asyik prejudice tentang lady driver & pemandu lelaki yang selalu akan potong que sebab saja nak tunjuk yang diorang lagik terer...

Aizan Suhaira said...

I'm the girl who doesn't know the slow lane exists. It's the fast lane all the way.

And talking about the lady-driver prejudice. It's sadder still that even women have bad opinions of 'lady-drivers'.

drNO said...

TrueMom- yup, that's what always happen to a stay-at-home moms right..always driving everyone, everywhere...
permission granted...:)

aNIe- betul..betull...wah..ramai geng2 lady driver ni...kita blh buat kelab...hahahhah

Aizan- hmm..women shouldn't think that way, unless that women driver are really terrible at driving..then no choice..bad is bad...

Anonymous said...

salam drNo,

wah bleh tahan gak ye lady driver ni tapi kalau memandu kat kat KL kenalah macam tu kan......ehehehehe take care

flush said...

ok la tu, 20km/h at far left.. kalau belah kanan bwk mcm tu, mmg nak kena maki hamun la.. i know u r not.. rite :)

tulipurple said...

hahaha..u r rite,my dear.
takperlah atleast, we the lady driver idok ler kene swear...hehe,just a remark 'huh..lady driver'..hehe.

p/s:cantik ler kete u tu..i like the karer..huhu.

smileymamaT said...

funny! and very true, most women I know are crazy cowboy drivers. Myself, not too bad, but I always (ALWAYS) park crooked - my kids think it's a big deal worthy of clapping, if I park straight. :)

drNO said...

drzeze- hahhah...ye la. kat kl, kalau elok2 sgt, x sampai2 lak ke destinasi. as long as rules abiding it'll be ok :D

flush- hahhahhah...i think i am a reckless driver la...

drNO said...

tulipurple- itu la pasal. tp boring gak, sbb asyik dipersalah kan je if apa2.
cantik kan kaler keta tu...i tau..u mesti suka....hehheheh

smileymamaT- hahhhahhha..that's really funny. i hope i'll get a big round of applause from the kids..hahhah