This really, truly make my day...after my loooong silence from this cyber world...
When I can't update as frequently...I thought I've lost all my blogging friend..., my site has turn into those boring and dull blog who rarely been update...and I think that my blog must has seems like a blog that is there just for being there...not active... a dormant blog...
get what I mean...
Anyway, today, I manage to get online...I bloghopping to all of your blog...and this award from neeza...really cheer things up...
Thanks neeza..u r truly a wonderful friend...many, many thanks...
I want to award this to my dear blogging friends
- Mr Idham -his writing always moved me, interesting, at times serious, and at time funny...thanks to u for being a friend..thanks for ur help...:) (hope this flowery award add some color to ur blog...;P)
- pat -I'm touched with her writing and her spirit...you go girl...:)
it's not easy to be closed to someone whom you never met but you're the kind, DrNo. Thanks for being a friendly buddy :)
Hi Dr NO :)
Thanks a lot for the award! I am so touched!! This is the second award in 2 days :P Whoa...
mr idham naik ke pentas dengan malu-malu.....mengambil award dari Dr No dengan bangganya..hehehe....
dan memberi ucapan mengucapkan terimakasih kepada ibu dan ayah yang telah mengajar bagaimana nak jadi friendly dalam blog hehehe
terimakasih daun keladi kepada Dr No.
nak tunggu dari Neeza, ermm, jgn di harap la nak dapat award hehehe
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