We had chocolate chips pancakes for breakfast. Ummm...loves chocolate chips...i put chocolate everywhere that i can think of. And the kids love pancakes.

Then back to the mission....
I have been 'asked' by a few friends to organize a reunion get-together for our ex-classmates in high school. It's sounds easy. Just gather the contact numbers, give them a call or just text them, arrange the venue and date.
But whoa...life is not easy as A, B, C.
And why, oh why...I always be the victim to such #@?^%*%# thing??
There were 25people in my class. I manage to trace/get in-touch with only 15.
I went through all this trouble and when i texted, they never reply. When I called, they said, "I don't think I can join." Or, "that venue is quite far from my place" or "that place is not suitable for me" or "can we do at lunch hour instead of dinner" and the winner is "if u can get everybody to come, then i'll come".
Feeling like cancelling the whole thing. But...there are also, a few friends from out of KL, who are willing to book a flight @ drive all the way here...so, guys..let us just go for it.
I believe I have the right to veto this matter...I will decide with my own logical mind (if there is any logic left) on where and when we are going to meet.
To those few who are attending...let us celebrate.

Hurrraayyy....for nooii!!!....hahahahah...
A big job, organising a reunion. Good luck.
CC pancakes sound good.
PANCAKES LOOKS YUMMY!!!!!! mintak sikittttt!
ana- hurrayy for us... depa x nak join, lantak kat depa. depa yg rugi...ahahahhahahha
lee- thanks...
pancakes always gud...:)
sisOO- kalau boleh..dah lama saya hantar sepiring....
baru hari tu teringat nak makan pancake tapi tak dapat lagi.. tapi tak lah mengidam sebab dah nak masuk 8 bulan kan hehehe..
buat sendiri ke pancake tu Drno?
btw, who is that kissing munif??
wow..mmg fenin kalu jd organizer nie kan...yg tak tahan bila ada yg byk ngomel,tp bila suh organise larii..hampeh!hehe...
amboiii...mnif pandai tul tgk camera ek..ihiks'
drNO, yes it's not that easy but I know you can manage. As the organiser, you have the 'kuasa veto' to decide. So, just make do with whoever that can turn up and enjoyyy. It's no surprise those who are so reluctant in the beginning might turn up at the last minute, when they realize that you are serious about this matter.
:-) BOOKMARK that side of the bed!!! it works for u...hehehehe
neeza- yup..buat sendiri je pancake tu. tu antara masakan yg plg senang dlm dunia..heheh...nk tolong buat kt neeza, jauh sgt...resepi dia ada kat entry awal2 dulu. resepi ni mmg senag, x sampai 5 minit siap.
pancake ni, buat kalau time mls nk buat breakfast, and bdk2 dh boring mkn roti sapu jem...hehhehe
tulipurple- mmg betul sgt tu...yg bersungguh nk buat reunion ni org lain, kita lak yg baik hati ni jadi mangsa utk organise....mmg la byk songel sgt...
munif dia mmg suka tgk kamera, sbb bila nk zoom tu, muncung camera bgerak2, dia suka la tgk. tp pyh nk amik gamba dia happy, sbb kalau seronok, habih goyang kaki tangan, guna anti-shock pun, blurr gak gamba
domestic engineer- mula2 volunteer kan my house, nk buat bbq, byk lak complain, takut susah cari rmh la, apa la. ni nk veto dh ni...last2 tony romas je la jawabnya...tp..mm...krg ada yg nk mkn nasik lak...pening..pening...
pp- ok...set...already marked :)
1st of all...salam kenal & thanks for visiting my blog.
Abt the reunion, just go ahead... it will be full of joy & make it unforgetabled event for may be once in 10 yrs.
Thanks for stopping by my place! I say....where two or three are gathered, have a party! Have fun with the reunion, and send me a few of those yummy looking pancakes! :)
i've experienced become organizer.. mmg leceh.. but in the end bila berjaya kumpulkan kwn2 even tak semua, hilang semua penat2 tu..
hadiah utk ur new bb tak terbeli2 lg.. kurier apatah lagi.. sabar separuh drp iman..
my interest in blogging drop drastically, but i found new a love.. fotopages!! please click my link, and drop some comments there.. ;)
I hate dealing with ppl yg byk soalan and byk lemak. Esp those ppl yg akan back and forth tanya who's coming, what are we eating, who's not coming and in the end cakap they'r not coming. Tak kuasa tau! :P
have fun... and i love chocolate pancakes too... yum!
anyway, here's my birthday blog and pics, do visit if you have time...thanks...
Bila ye nak update..
Dah buat gathering tu ke ???
Syabas sebab berusaha ke arah menyambung silaturahim .
Damn, girl! Those pancakes look so sinfullicious!
nurie- thanks for stopping by here. u hv a very nice blog too.\sedang diusahakan la ni reunion tu. x abih pening lg nih.
cathy- thanks. wished i could send u those pancakes...:)
can just share the recipe though.....
azim- mmg leceh...tersangat la lecehnya...
ish...hadiah apa lak..it's ok la...no need.
dh tgk ur fotopages..nice photo..bakat terpendam ke? :):):)
salt N turmeric- i hate that too..but somebody have to do that...n why oh why..that sumbody is me???
yup...mmg ada yg byk soal mcm tu..n end up not coming...exactly...
meili_lo- thanks. i luv whatever pertaining chocolates.
visited ur blog...very nice
hliza- yup, yup..ok...ok... hehhehhehehhe
silversarina- thanks sis. blum lg. ujung bln, but handling people with different need r such a pain in the a**. :) mind my language
aizan- want some??? :):):)
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