Hello insomnia... Bye Bye good nite sleep...
It's hard for me to get a good nite sleep nowadays. I only managed to sleep well once or maybe twice a week...three times is a bonus..
What should I do during the nidht while the whole household are sound asleep??
1. Try to get some sleep, only end up staring at the ceiling...
2. Bloghopping...only to realise most of you rarely update ur blog. Hey...UPDATE pls...I need some entertainment on my sleepless night.
3. Read articles about pregnancy, which I already knew about anyway. (need to get some magazine or novels)
4. Give a mushy, mushy kiss to the 2 kids. They are still sound asleep even with the kisses.
5. Make a trip to the toilet, without any purpose, only to notice that the toilet need some cleaning later.
6. Eat a few tablespoon of ice cream. Afraid that I'll feel guilty later if eat a whole bowl. (which remind me to buy some more chocolate ice cream later this week).
7. Eat chocolate. Just a tiny miny bits (because already eaten the ice cream...)
8. Watch TV- Thank god astro is available 24 hours, but nothing interesting. Ended up watching National geographic. Getting really smart on how a bison find a mate during mating season...
9. Switching channels, at last, watch a short documentary about horses, end up with teary eyes... Oh my..why am I crying over a horse???
10. Iron Mr AB's work clothes. WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING????? My insomnia must have gotten really bad...
11. Give Mr AB a big hug and kisses, which apparently woke him up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes and asked, 'what r u doing at this hour?'. What else to say...I am not sleepy.
Only to get a great big hug back...:)

:) i hv never been pregnant so tak tahu how to handle such situation la...
but but, maybe YAB PM boleh bagi some tips kut on how to get a good sleep...hehehe..he seems to be able to doze off anywhere, anytime...
cuba la tanya...hehehe.
Men always known for their solution;-
So solution for;
1. Dont sleep if u cant sleep.
2. Maybe u can start venture into US stock exchange. Since its day time over there while we were sleeping here.
3. Read articles on how to raise kids so that they dont cry at night, go to bed early, eat when its time to eat, dont make papa his 'raksasa' and he the Ultraman. Well i guess a lot of things u can learn :p
4. Well thats good. We wish them sleep all the time arent we?
5. Yup i think its need a cleaning too dear hehe
6. Now i know where my ice cream gone. So no more Baskin-Robbins for u on this 31st Jan then.
7.Emm tiny miny bit?? The last time i bought u 'Cadbury Twirls' it only lasted for 3 days. And u know its very difficult to get those chocky over here. maybe u can contact Cadbury Msia & ask them to sell it over here.
8. U can start watching sports my dear... Otherwise im paying that for nothing... Since u also not allowed me to watch footie on wk end.
9. Sports can be emotional and motivational too.....
10. Thanx dear for ironing my shirt&pants. Now the whole world know im ironing my own shirts. Well maybe i can bring home the whole wk shirt&pants nx time. hehe
11. Hugging u dear; the best thing that ever happened to me; i will trade evrything i have in this world just to be helpless lying in ur arms...
Poor gal!! Must be frustrated cant doze off at night! I dont have any sleeping problem when I was pregnant last time, thank god! However I do woke up pretty often for toilet every nights. I just posted a post of pregnancy over my blog today, check it out http://kuchingnite.blogspot.com
Well, if i do have sleeping problem, i just keep my eyes shut and try not to think of anything! If this doesnt work (which usually doesnt becos I have a snoring hubby by my side), i will just switch on the light and read some magazine. Usually it doesnt work, it may me more awake! hahaah!
oh.. the 3rd pregnancy ker? common lah kan, mak su pun tak larat time-time ni ler... insomnia
drno, kesiannya... biasa la kan kes kes cam ni for pregnant woman. kalau tak leh tido, update blog la.. letak gambar banyak2. boleh neeza tengok sama hehehee
aah..if only i could trade ur sleppless with me.. i seem to be having Pak Lah's syndrome nowadays.. bole layan tido dimana2 je..huhuuu..and i sooo...need to stay awake now that my exam is near!
oh it happens to me too.
and i thought i am the only one.
naisb baik ada kawan mengandung saing2 nih.
anyway, i wouldn't do no.11.
i don't wanna ended up *ehem ehem* you know what i mean.
idham- u mmg la x pnh pregnant, but u went thru side by side for 6 pregnancies, u shud know better...:)
hahhaha, i'll ask if i happen to meet him, but he always somewhere else instead of malaysia...so, how to meet him?? :)
women solutions are always better than men...bcoz women always right....
Thanks for ur so-called 'solution'...
- u still have to buy me a big tube of Baskin robbin choc ice cream.
- and chocolates too...and stop asking to have a bit of my portion of the choc.
-i'll have a look at the us stock exchange if u give me more money to invest
-stop encouraging the kids to be a superhero and don't 'gocoh2' ..
- nope, i just not into sports...
- u still have to iron ur own shirt sometimes...
rose- thanks. yup it's sometimes can be very frustrating. but just dont' think about it, just go with the flow...try something else..
very interesting blog u got there...
maksu- a'ah...3rd pregnancy...letih je berbanding yg dulu2, dulu letih jugak tp x seletih ni, mungkin badan dh x brp fit...
neeze- update blgo kena tgk mood jugak hahahha...
kalau xde mood @ idea, kita bloghopping je la...jalan2 blog org...
isleasy- jom trade jom... good luck in ur exam which is coming nearer and nearer :)
wawa- no 11 tu the last resort la kiranya...if i get too bored...if not just KIV..hehhe
of course la the no 11 will end up with 'u know what'...heheheh...
pregnant maybe the factor..
tp mgkn jgk sbb drno mkn mlm lewat sgt.. salah satu penyebab insomniac..
errr susah pregnant rupenye...sob sob..nk pi call mak kejap..
flush- thanks for the tip. but being pregnant is quite different than the daily things. :)
CikBawang- susah...tp nanti senang la, anak ramai meriah skt...hehehh
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