I saw this cake in Intan's blog, and eager to try it.

After the first try, I already been making them 4 times...very nice. I adjusted the recipe a bit, to make it less sweet. I just love it, a bit different from the usual butter cake and tasty.
Just don't omit the ovalette, as it makes it really fluffy compare to the non-ovelette version.
the recipe: ( I omitted the condensed milk, used 3/4cup sugar, and did not used the 'hirisan prunes' )
Sumber: Arlina Umar
250 g butter
2 cawan tepung naik sendiri
1 cawan gula
1/4 tin besar susu pekat manis (kalau guna tin kecil 1/3 pun cukup)
20 biji prune (kisar dengan sedikit air lebih kurang 2 camca besar air, setakat boleh kisar dah cukup)
5 biji prune (hiris kasar)
5 biji telur
1 sudu teh ovallette
Cara :
1. Didihkan air dalam pengukus.
2. Putarkan butter/gula/susu sehingga sebati.
3. Masukkan telur satu per satu dan putar lagi.
4. Masukkan ovallette dan putar lagi
4. Masukkan prune yg telah dikisar dan putar lagi
5. Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit dan kacau hingga sebati.
6. Akhir sekali masukkan prune yg dihiris kasar dan kacau dengan senduk sudah memadai.
7. Griskan loyang dengan butter dan alaskan dengan kertas minyak, tuang adunan ke dalam loyang dan kukus selama 1 1/2 jam.
8. Kalau nak bagi cantik, letakkan beberapa biji prune di atas adunan sebelum dikukus sebagai hiasan.
Other than that, I baked this cupcakes for them too. Using my previous recipe.

p/s- i'm not well, so I won't be updating this blog regularly.
For the 'real reason' why I didn't blog for a long time...wait for my next entry...maybe 'a few next'...:):):)