I am sooo gonna missed Harry Porter.
Remember last time i wrote it here that it seems like impossible for me to get the final Harry Porter book...
Well, I've gotten it. With all the fuss and argument about the book price, I bought mine (actually my hubby bought it for his lovely wife-hehehe) from TESCO, which sells this book with a cheaper price compare to other major book store. (lucky me- I didn't book the book from those bookstores, as they sells with a much higher price (I was told)).
Once I got the book, I felt like reading it right away...but...hmmm.... i'm not the single girl in college anymore, where I can read novels or anything, anytime that I want. And during those time I can finished one novel in one sitting (it did took a few hours though to finished it). As the plot thicken, I just have to finish them up. Well, i'm not the patient type of people who can wait to read the rest of the book the next day.
But, now, I'm a mother, of two rather 'busy-body' kids, that can't just leave mummy alone. So, I only read at night after both of them are fast asleep.
The final book - 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' is great. I think it's the best of all the seven novels.
It's full of suspens, tragedy, death, confusion, conspiracy but still have its humour...
Whoever haven't read the book, and planning to...you can stop reading this entry HERE.... (or just skip the part with the smallest font. :))
For those who have read, and those who are not planning to read it, can carry on...
Fred died....:(( ( at least George just lost an ear).
And poor Teddy, who is just a baby, lost both his parents, Lupin and Tonks...this is so sad.
Severus Snape is innocent- can u believe it!!! -poor Snape, he died too.
And the sparks between Ron and Hermione are really intense this time...they got married anyway at the end.
Harry married Ginny- well, we can see that coming too, right.
I almost cried reading this novel...heheheh...I know, i know, rather pathetic yea?? I rarely cried over movies or books, but this time??? hmmm...may be motherhood have soften me inside, and get me mushy for no reason(or small reason). But what the heck..as if u cared.??
So, Harry Potter's books are finally over...what's next??? Will there be any more such stories or only those with imitation story line?
I am really soooo gonna miss Harry Potter.......
Hope they'll continue with the movie.
huuhuhhuuh...still haven't watch 'Order of The Phoenix'.