I really am grateful receiving this from a good friend...
I am not that good as a mom...and my blog is not that entertaining.... anyway thanks dear...
Yup..I'm a mom... a not-that-great mom. I am proud being a mom...
As we are in this topic... I would like to share some story, and views...
When I was in medical school...if people ask..when do u want to get married?...I don't answer... I was a bit insecure...the ugly ol' me...I don't think anyone would fall for me...hence marrying me... I was a bit sceptical..
But deep down..well..i think the best age should be before i turn 25 (shhh...I just kept this thought to myself ok..at that time).
And I hope that I have my first child by the age of 25, and another after 3 years, and another the next 3 years. Anyway, that's just a thought... I never thought that it ever will become a reality. Yeah..me at that time is not that feminine...rarely wear my 'baju kurung'... never ever thinking of having a relationship..so on and so forth....
But God's will...when I was 21...my Mr AB came into my life... he proposed... and my father gave him a condition..wait until I finish my study.
So...we got married when I was 24 (got that wish right- get marry before 25)
Pregnant with Umar a month later...and he was born on March 2002 (first child when I was 25)
Laiqa was born exactly 3 years later (the spacing was right too...a child after 3years)
And now...pregnant again and Laiqa will get another sibling when she's 3.
I'm enjoying my life as a mom very much. I teach them at home. I even thinking of home-schooling them, but have to put it off, since afraid that they won't know how to interact with people if they keep staying at home.
When they were babies, yup...I successfully breastfed them, exclusively.
I cook for them as often as I can.
And I really, truly enjoying everything about them...
Yup...I get mad...many times, especially with Umar naughtiness and Laiqa's stuborness...but my love for them have never lessen...the love gets more and more each day....
But a bit to be disappoint with them is that, whenever people ask...who's daughter/son u r? They will answer, 'papa's daughter/son'. You know what...the 'mama' is the one who have been taking care of them each day...and they still be the daddy's kid.
Anyway...I know, whenever they are having difficulties....it's mama who they turn too. If they have nightmares, they will call out to mama....If they fall down, it's mama who first come to aid... If they have any enquiries, they ask mama...
But, why, oh, why, the 'papa' always get the popular vote...:):)
Anyway AB, I don't mind. Because u too have done a great job with them...
Last note...i want to forward this TOP MOM BLOG to the lovely and sure is a great mom with a great blog----
Cat Cat